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Midas Consoles Launches HD AIR Console at ISE

Midas Consoles Launches HD96-AIR Console at ISE

Midas’ new HD96-AIR console debuted at ISE 2024 in Barcelona

      At ISE 2024 in Barcelona, Midas expanded its Heritage-D mixer range with the HD96-AIR, which puts the power of its flagship HD96 digital console into a lightweight, more portable (and more flyable), compact-footprint version. Based around a tiltable, 21” high-res TFT multi-touch screen, console control can also be expanded via up to four HD96-FB16 optional 16-channel fader banks (one is shown with the console in the photo).

Up to four optional HD96-FB16 bader banks can be added for more tactile control

     A total of 24 user assignable switches are marked with 240×240 high-res “scribble strips”and the master section offers three long-throw faders for left/right/mono outputs.

     In terms of power and DSP, the HD96-AIR is identical to Midas’ full-size HD-96-24. Specs include up to 144 simultaneous input channels at 96 kHz, along with 96 time-aligned and phase-coherent mix buses, 24 effects slots (as well as 128 dynamic EQs and 32 multi-band compressors), along with eight onboard XLR inputs (with Midas preamps) and outputs — which can be reconfigured as AES3 ports. Also on the rear panel are expansion slots and AC inputs for its onboard dual-redundant power supplies.

   No word on pricing or shipping was available at press time. For more info, visit

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