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Christie Lites Nashville Seattle Hero Image 460x259 YrZMFx

Christie Lites Augments Operations with new Seattle and Nashville Shops

Christie Lites, a global provider of stage lighting services and technical expertise, announces the opening of new strategic locations in Seattle and Nashville, USA. These new shops add valuable local industry expertise, plus a diverse and well serviced inventory, to Christie Lites’ existing network across the USA, Canada, and the UK. Christie Lites CEO, Huntly […]

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Illuminating Lincoln Center’s ‘Summer for the City’

This year, New York’s Lincoln Center introduced Summer for the City which consists of more than 300 events from May 14 to Aug. 14 and includes 10 outdoor venues and three indoors. PRG is contracted to support Summer for the City as lighting supplier as well as providing the video package and supervisory crew for the 12-week […]

Elation Waikiki Shell Home in the Islands Proteus Hybrid 2 800x600 gWZJLt

Eggshell Light’s Proteus Hybrids™ Weather Another Season at Honolulu’s Waikiki Shell

Bob Harmon, CEO and President of Eggshell Light Company of Honolulu, has had success using his stable of Proteus Hybrid luminaires to light shows at the Waikiki Shell ever since he acquired the multi-functional weatherproof lights in 2017. Still going strong after five years, Elation’s market leading IP65 moving heads are reliably weathering another season […]

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