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Mental Health Tools and Resources from Behind the Scenes at LDI 2022

Be sure to visit the Behind the Scenes booth #2551 at LDI to learn about all the tools and resources available through our Mental Health Initiative and to stock up on industry-themed holiday cards and decorations.

You’ll find this year’s delightful holiday cards in packs of 10 and an array of ghost light and industry-themed ornaments, as well as unique portable mini LEDs for every holiday. You can also order signed copies of Queen: The Neal Preston Photographs with a show special of free shipping in the US. All proceeds go to support your colleagues in need who are seriously ill or injured and the Mental health Initiative.

Learn about the Behind the Scenes Mental Health and Suicide Prevention initiative and take home posters on a variety of topics you can post in your workplace. This includes information on bullying and harassment, the warning signs of suicide and the steps to take to help keep someone safe, one-sheets on common issues such as anxiety and depression, and how to become a Mental Health First Aider. As we enter the holiday season, there is no better time to learn about tools and resources to care for your own mental health or someone close to you.

On Saturday at 3:30 on the LDI Stage in the Circle Bar and Lounge join Steven Michelman, Founder of EPS, and Lori Rubinstein, Executive Director of Behind the Scenes, for an in depth look into mental health challenges and the available support in our industry. Steven will be speaking publicly for the first time about his own mental health journey and about trying to provide a psychologically safe workplace for his employees.

Rubinstein will speak about the Behind the Scenes Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative and how it can benefit you, your family, and your colleagues. The presentation will provide an overview of the tools and resources developed specifically to support entertainment industry workers and promote mental health and psychological safety.

These include the Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder, online behavioral self-assessments, easy to navigate resources pages, information and resources on alcohol and substance abuse, Mental Health First Aid training, sample language on mental health for use in toolbox talks or company meetings, and resources to help fight bullying, harassment and intimidation. It will also include a look at the program’s suicide prevention materials including the warning signs, the steps to take to help keep someone safe, and practical guidance and examples for the five steps.

Further information from Behind the Scenes:

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